Thursday, June 5, 2008

You Don't Mess With The Zohan

Funniest clips and the the trailer from the latest Adam Sandler's movie "You Don't Mess With The Zohan"

I have been investing with success in the stock and forex market since 2006. Both of this markets are different ways of investing money that -if done right- can leave you with great returns.

However, provided that you are successful, you need a lot of money to see some tangible results. With these two different ways of investing money, I usually get monthly returns of about 6%. This is a great performance, however, if you invest only $1,000 you would be making only $60/month which is a good percentage but not so much money.

By the end of 2007, always looking for different ways of investing money, I stumbled upon an alternative that offered some remarkable returns for small investments. I did some research on it finding only some scarce comments and publicity about different ways of investing money, but no actual information.

Therefore, I decided to test them with a little investment of only $150 in order get my own perspective about who they were (sometimes, finding different ways of investing money demands you give it a shot).

To keep it short, I'll tell you that I've made over $30,000 in less than 7 months starting with only a $1,000 investment (and I could have been over $50,000 but I used some of my profits along the way). Without a question, of all the different ways of investing money, this is by far the one you don't want to miss.

Indeed, I have not come across any other investment opportunity which delivers such a remarkable performance for the average joe. If you are on the look for different ways of investing money with a small startup capital, you should consider learning more about this place.
